All the Right NEMSIS 3 Compliant Pieces for EMS
CodeRed EMS Software is a complete enterprise ePCR solution consisting of the Field Unit for data acquisition and in-field reports along with the Administrator for in-house reports and the Administrator MD to link your department directly to medical control for QI/QA. Combined, these packages provide a full featured comprehensive ePCR solution.
What Sets Us Apart
The "CodeRed System" is a combination of two systems. The first is the CodeRed Field Unit. This is a data collection system allowing all patient and billing information to be gathered through an easy to navigate pen based interface. Along with it's ability to generate automated narratives and in-field reports, the field unit will synchronize it's custom configuration information from the "CodeRed Administrator" during data uploads.
The "CodeRed Administrator" is where data from all systems is brought together to produce powerful administrative reports. Reports such as Skills, Diversions, CQI, Mutual Aid, BNDD, DEA, Vehicle, Service and symptom-based patient care.
Zero out-of-pocket cost.
CodeRed Complete is a combination of systems like the Field Unit, used either on-line or remotely based on your needs to gather in-field Patient Care Reports. EKG Rapid Infuser for ECG monitor integration. Faxwell Smart for ePCR Faxing. Smartphone ePCR for easy hand-held device Patient Care data entry and CodeRed Mass Casualty... just in case.
Medical Director Oversight
The CodeRed Medical Director allows complete access to all Patient Care Reports under a region's Medical Control. All Service's ePCRs are available for review. You have the ability to see the Hospital Report, any one of multiple excel-like reviews, and to see the Patient Care Report in the same interface the medic's used to enter it.
Key Benefits:
Ease of QA/QI
Customizable Reports
Custom Reports Library
ALL EMT/Paramedic Skill summary
Rapidly Identify and Correct any potential QA/QI issues
Able to see ALL services under your control in one location
Billing Director Access
All the same capabilities as the “CodeRed Administrator” where data from all field units is brought together to produce powerful administrative reports. All this is seamlessly available to your Billing Partner when you decide to set the call as billable.
You have complete control over which Patient Care Reports, as well as when those ePCRs are available to your Billing Partner. You can choose to set Patient Care Reports as billable one at a time or an entire group of reports with just one click.
You have the flexibility to decide when your reports are instantly in the hands of your Billing Partner.
Key Benefits:
Excel-like Billing Reviews
Multiple Client/State capabilities
Real-time Updates for billed/paid status
Simple one-click batch flagging as billed
Eliminate the need for Balance Statements
ePCR’s Instantly available once flagged as billable
Learn how we can help your Agency become stronger