All the Right NEMSIS 3 Pieces for EMS
CodeRed EMS Software is a complete enterprise ePCR solution consisting of theField Unit for data acquisition and in-field patient documentation. Administrator for in-house reports, analytics and system management. Add the Administrator MD to link your department directly to medical control for QI/QA. Combined, these packages provide a full featured comprehensive ePCR solution.
One of the most important functions performed by EMS personnel and the most time consuming task required. With this in mind we have developed the CodeRed EMS System. An extremely user-friendly data collection system that will quickly produce legible uniform patient care reports in the field.The "CodeRed System" is a combination of two systems. The first is the CodeRed Field Unit. This is a data collection system allowing all patient and billing information to be gathered through an easy to navigate pen based interface. Along with it's ability to generate automated narratives and in-field reports, the field unit will synchronize it's custom configuration information from the "CodeRed Administrator" during data uploads.The "CodeRed Administrator" is where data from all systems is brought together to produce powerfuladministrative reports. Reports such as Skills, Diversions, CQI, Mutual Aid, BNDD, DEA, Vehicle, Service, and symptom-based patient care.

Field Unit
Explore the product's feature list.

JAG Wireless
Practical tools to help you get success.

It's all about centralized command.

Billing Director
Community is at the core.
Our Vision and Approach
MacroLogic, Inc. has been offering high quality software since 1994. In 1998 we expanded our family of products to include Electronic Patient Care Reporting (ePCR) systems. These systems follow the same design standards of reliability and value that are the foundation from which all MacroLogic products emerge.
MacroLogic and it's team believe in always providing strait-forward honest information and assistance to our partners.
Diverse Team and Network
We've built our team around the principles of Integrity, Skills, and Commitment.
Focus on Impact
Change, whether it's gradual or sudden has the potential to be difficult. That's why our focus is on providing our partners the best implementation and most comprehensive training possible to assist in the transition process.